
During my studies in computer science, I had the opportunity to immerse myself in captivating projects that enriched my practical understanding of the concepts taught in class. One of these projects was the development of an FTP server as part of the network programming course (B-NWP-400). This project allowed me to delve deep into the workings of file transfer protocols and acquire valuable skills in network programming.

The main objective of this project was to design an FTP server in C language, compliant with RFC959 standards, while meeting specific criteria such as handling multiple clients concurrently, authenticating an anonymous account, and supporting both active and passive mode data transfers.

I approached this project with determination, focusing on efficiently implementing core functionalities and ensuring optimal code quality. Although I didn't have the opportunity to explore the offered bonus features such as implementing an FTP client with various commands or managing access rights, I nonetheless concentrated my efforts on achieving the project's main objectives.

This project was an enriching experience that allowed me to apply my theoretical knowledge in programming and networks. It strengthened my understanding of fundamental networking concepts while developing my problem-solving skills and project management abilities.

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